Can you relate and want your home decluttered?

Can you relate and want your home decluttered?

Can you relate and want your home decluttered?

“We do ‘talk to each other’ about the clutter in our house but then we don’t have the time or energy to do anything about it. Often, we argue about the mess and who should tidy it up”

“I get so frustrated because the garage is full of stuff that we are storing or things we don’t use. With three kids, we have never found the time to sort through the garage, let alone the loft. I want us to put the car in the garage and the kids bikes but there is never any room”

“Tupperware and pans drive me mad, and I am fed up of everything falling out of my cupboards”

“My husband holds on to everything for DIY like a ‘useful’ piece of wood or a bracket. It’s piled up in the shed. The number of times we have needed a bracket to fix a cupboard but can’t find one, so we go out and buy a new one”.

“Our house is such a mess” – do you find clutter is having an effect on your relationships. You want the vibe in your home to change.

“I didn’t realise the importance of everything having a home. Our clutter felt heavy and overwhelming until we started on our journey of discovery to declutter”

“Our stuff spreads around then multiplies and we can’t see what we have so we buy more of what we already have”.

“I am hanging on to so many clothes because I want to get to my goal weight. I’ve got wardrobes full of stuff that I may wear one day and clothes I keep just in case I put on weight again.”

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